AD/HD- Has Anyone Ever Experienced This or Know What I Am Talking About?

Question by black_flute_player: AD/HD- Has anyone ever experienced this or know what I am talking about?
I am currently a Junior in High School and am in the IB Program. At the beginning of this school year I was taken off of half (one of my 2 prescriptions) my medication for some reason and struggled I like crazy for about a month and a half to two months and I am now back on the meds. During this time all of my grades dropped slightly and my English A1 grade plunged to a 16%. Since then I have managed to bring my grade up to a 27%. However I am still struggling to the point at which I have mental shutdowns in which I don’t just have my normal trouble concentrating but my brain shuts down to the point in which I can’t concentrate enough to do any of my school work and in some cases I can’t concentrate enough to what is being said to me to comprehend any of it(even with trying as hard as I can) and I just go into a state in which anything that requires formulating (sorting) thoughts to be put into words, words be translated into thought, or even repeating a simple sentence back to the person speaking becomes seemingly impossible. Therefore English does not get completed. I do okay in my other classes because I can still do them somehow while in the minor phases of my mental shutdowns, but when I am in any of the phases NONE of my English gets accomplished and it is like the whole part of my brain that has to do with English (the class) completely shuts down as though it doesn’t exist.

To make matters worse I don’t know how to tell my mom. And I gave up trying because it seems that when I can’t get my work accomplished because of these mental shutdown that my mom gets mad and yells and asks questions (which makes me even more overwhelemed and stessed) and then expects logical thought out answers to these questions (again bring on the overwhelming and stress) and I don’t know how to respond (expecially when i am having one of my “mental shutdowns.” So now she asks me if I am almost finished and I say yes 75% of the time because When I say no the overwhelmingness and stress brought on by the answer sends me back into a “mental shutdown”

I was wondering if anyone knows (understands) what I mean when I talk about these “mental shutdowns?”

I really need some advice on how to deal with these.

I really don’t want to have to fill out a 504, because I want to face this challenge hopefully without having to have a 504

And I really want to know if there is anyone else that has AD/HD and has been/ is in the IB program because I feel so alone. Or if you know someone who has been/is in the program please let me know

Any comments, questions, or advice IS welcomed.


Best answer:

Answer by Stranger
ADHD is a fallacy.
I wish I had a neat excuse like that for getting shtty grades when I was in school. I believe then, it was called laziness.

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