Addiction Treatment Programs in Alaska 1-800-303-2938


Addiction Treatment Programs In Alaska 1-800-839-1682 – There are also many state and government-funded centers and charitable facilities accepting adults and minors who have succumbed to the temptations of chemic…


Drug Abuse Claims Against Nigella Lawson Sound Like Sour Grapes (VIDEO)

Filed under: drug abuse treatments

The sisters say they had a greenlight to use the funds, that they had an “understanding” with Lawson: As long as they promised to keep quiet about her supposedly wild daily drug binges, they would have access to Saatchi's credit cards to use for …
Read more on The Stir


Addiction Specialists Wary of New Painkiller

Filed under: drug abuse treatments

Dr. Andrew J. Kolodny, the chief medical officer of Phoenix House, which runs drug and alcohol treatment centers in 10 states, said he believed that the American Society of Addiction Medicine should not take money from a company whose product would …
Read more on New York Times