Books or CD’s That Can Help a Recovering Alcoholic?
Question by sweetgirl: Books or CD’s that can help a recovering alcoholic?
Do you know of any books, cds or magazine that may help someone get help for alcoholism.
This is for a friend not for me. He has The AA book but looking for something else maybe reflections or stories of others that have been in his situatuion
Best answer:
Answer by Andy F
try ebay
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Glee star Cory Monteith and the disease of addiction
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"It was easy to wake up in the morning and go down to the corner store, and get a bag of heroin, just like you'd get a cup of coffee," David said, recalling his years of drug addiction. "It worked so well for me. I felt so comfortable and at ease in my …
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The formulation of a Heroin Task Force along with our applying for a Drug-Free Communities Grant are part of the process to not only educate citizens, but to address treatment needs, and ultimately reduce substance abuse in Jefferson County.”.
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