Question by runeknight94: DANGERS OF DRUG ABUSE?
i am trying to write a report well more like i have to write a report on the dangers of drug abuse and there are some topics they want me to cover like
The Physical and Emotional Affects of Drug Addiction
Historical and current rehabilitation practices.
Both legal and illegal drugs
and i couldn’t find any websites that could help me or that i thought would help me and i was wondering if you could post some websites that might help. or if you could tell me some stuff about the topics ? oh and if some ones does it for me they will get 5/5 best answer lol na not really thanks
Oh this is for a 500 word report just to let yall no 🙂
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check out on google
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The Addiction Show with Josh King, Psy.D. Center for Motivation and Change – The Parent’s 20 Minute Guide – the20minuteguide.com CMC’s Website – motivationandchange.com Beyond Addiction (the book) – the website is coming soon. Until t…