For Which of the Following Reasons Is Drug Addiction Considered a Complex Brain Disease?

Question by Devin: For which of the following reasons is drug addiction considered a complex brain disease?
3. For which of the following reasons is drug addiction considered a complex brain disease?
(Points : 1)
Those who are addicted usually have a mental illness.

Use of drugs over time creates a disease in sections of the brain.

Drugs change the way the brain functions.

With drugs, brain chemicals increase and burn the brain.
Does abybody know?

Best answer:

Answer by J B
Drugs change the way the brain functions.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Russell Brand on drugs, Savile and yoga – video – Russell Brand – the face of a new drive to help addicts abstain – tells Channel 4 News he still needs support in the wake of his drug abuse and that yoga sho…