Getting Help for Alcohol and Drug abuse.AVI


Getting help for alcohol and drug abuse.AVI – This scene from WHAT GOES AROUND shows the effects drugs and alcohol can have on a family. Petrides students Trevor McGhie, Comfort Gwelekai, and Jonathan Br…


Survey shows 22.8 percent of Midland County teens use marijuana

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse help

Of those surveyed, 26.3 percent said they consumed alcohol, 28.6 admitted to binge drinking, and 10.2 percent admitted to taking prescription drugs that were not prescribed to them. The majority of students who consume alcohol, smoke cigarettes and use …
Read more on Midland Reporter-Telegram


Chelmsford goes 'Behind Closed Doors' of teen drug abuse

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse help

Leading the two-hour "Behind Closed Doors" program, which explored current trends in teen substance abuse, was Traci Wojciechowski, regional director of students assistance programs for the Caron Drug Treatment Center. "I really have no intention of …


Kelly 'offers Miley family help'

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse help

… has battled drug problems in the past and spent time in rehab to help overcome a dependence on prescription medication. Her father Ozzy is also an addict and earlier this year admitted abusing drugs and alcohol again, although he has since cleaned up.
Read more on Belfast Telegraph