How Does a Non-Drinker Mistakenly Sentenced to AA/SOS Get Through the Program?

Question by Arwen: How does a non-drinker mistakenly sentenced to AA/SOS get through the program?
Theoretical question:

What if a non-drinker gets drunk *once* and is caught “driving under the influence.” Then the judge doesn’t believe the person is a non-drinker and s/he is sentenced to AA or SOS. It’s a sentence not uncommon for a first DUI.

If these programs require participants to admit their alcoholism, and the person doesn’t normally drink, and to finish the sentence s/he has to complete the program, how does s/he do it without lying?
As I said, it is a theoretical question.

And even non-drinkers drink occasionally. I got drunk once when I was 16, to see what it was like, then again when I turned 21 just because it seemed appropriate.

Had I driven and been caught on either occasion, it would have been unlikely anyone would have believed me that I am a non-drinker. I’m just curious what would happen to someone under those conditions.

Best answer:

Answer by cool
if u get a dui then you are obviously a drinker
if you are a nondrinker then you wouldnt get a dui
just admit that you are a drunkard and need help
you will have another dui in a year or two
say youre a nondrinker then too

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