I Support Support the Florida “Stand Your Ground” Doctrine. Wouldn’t Zimmerman Be Dead Without It?

Question by NEO-SOC: I support support the Florida “Stand your ground” doctrine. Wouldn’t Zimmerman be dead without it?
After all, at 5’2″ tall, without a gun, he may have had his head smashed into the sidewalk.. Wait a minute he did have his head smashed.. That picture you see of Trayvon is of him in Jr High. This kid was 17 years old and 6’4″ inches tall. No match.. Zimmerman had no choice.

Best answer:

Answer by Forget War Buy More
You’re right Martin should have invoked it when threatened by Zimmerman.

Also your use of Zimmerman’s last name and Martin’s first name is telling about your bias.

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Editorial: A failed test in Florida — That state's drug-testing for welfare

Filed under: Drug Use Florida

U.S. District Judge Mary Scriven agreed, and after noting that “there is nothing inherent in the condition of being impoverished that supports the conclusion that there is a concrete danger that impoverished individuals are prone to drug use,” she …
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How tunnels are built, used along US-Mexico border

Filed under: Drug Use Florida

Smuggling groups use tunnels to move drugs, guns and people who want to sneak across the U.S. border, though traffickers are sometimes selective about what they will move through their tunnels. Experts say sophisticated tunnels are used for only drug …
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Arizona Lawmakers Propose Drug-Testing People…

Filed under: Drug Use Florida

The convenient argument was that the drug-testing discouraged drug users from applying for welfare. In 2012, Republican Steve Smith, then in the …. Florida spent 2x as much on testing as they did on food stamps. They caught 6 people. They saved an …
Read more on Phoenix New Times (blog)