Is the War Against Drug Abuse a Good Topic for a Research Paper? if So What Would Be a Good Hypothesis for It?

Question by burkedawn: Is the war against drug abuse a good topic for a research paper? If so what would be a good hypothesis for it?
I am wirting a research paper for my class at University of Phoenix online and I chose to do an essay on the “war against drug abuse”. What I am wanting to know is what would be a good hypothesis for this topic area?

Best answer:

Answer by clover spots
you could posit
1 what pressures has the war on drugs put on our prisons, hospitals
2 why is funding given more to arrest drug offenders than to treat them
3 what is the goal of the war on drugs, has it been met
4. what are other options that have been used in other countries, are they feasible here

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Protecting Your Practice – Tackling Prescription Drug Abuse – To receive credit, visit: Program Overview Prescription drug abuse is one of the most serious and critical public health concerns in the country. Numerous initiatives have been implemented by federal and state legislators in an attempt to curtail this crisis. Many of these have focused on educating physicians about sound narcotic prescribing practices; however, few have explored the potential benefit of using the pharmacist to help combat this growing problem. Since pharmacists are frontline health care providers and the provider that actually fills the prescription, it is imperative that they receive the education and training to proactively work with patients and prescribers to identify, manage, and prevent prescription drug abuse. This knowledge based program will focus on the enormous consequences that prescription drug abuse has had in the United States in recent years, and the pivotal role that pharmacists can play in addressing this growing problem. Nurse Educational Objectives – Outline the deleterious effects of prescription opioid abuse on idividuals and society – Describe the signs and symptoms of prescription opioid abuse withdrawal – Identify the most common methods that patients uste to obtain prescription opoids for purposes of abuse Pharmacist Educational Objectives – Outline the deleterious effects of prescription opioid abuse on idividuals and society – Describe the signs and symptoms of prescription opioid abuse withdrawal – Identify the