Is There Any History of Litigation Against Pharma Co’s That Deals With Drug Abuse to Hold Them Responsible?

Question by Erin D: Is there any history of litigation against pharma co’s that deals with drug abuse to hold them responsible?
I’m trying to figure out why drug companies seem to get off scott free when it comes to the multitudes of people who are harmed by the abuse of their products. Why dont pharma companies need to be a part of educating the public in abuse prevention?

Best answer:

Answer by SantaBud
There are actually a multitude of suits involving the area you mention in your question. Some involve illnesses/diseases which may have developed in someone as a direct result of taking a prescribed med for something unrelated.

Others involve people who have become addicted to meds that they were not advised in advance could be habit forming.

I agree that pharmaceutical companies have some answering to do, but so do the physicians that blindly prescribe & reissue scrips for drugs that are commonly abused.

My mother received a settlement as part of litigation against a drug company selling a med which turned out to be VERY addictive, & had no warnings attached to it.

Though she was thankful for the settlement (around $ 10,000), it took close to ten years for her to receive after the suit was filed. And of course, the attorneys involved received $ 5,000 for filing the suit (their 1/3 share), and they (attorneys) were rewarded the most as they shared 1/3 of the entire settlement which was several million dollars.

With all of the television commercials pushing drugs on the public, they should be required to do more in the way of education!!

Add your own answer in the comments!



EDGAR 86 – Alcohol Drug Abuse Prevention – EDGAR 86 – Alcohol Drug Abuse Prevention, GGC’s policies and information on Alcohol and Drug Abuse.


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