Prescription Drug Abuse Treatment
Prescription Drug Abuse Treatment – Prescription Drug Abuse Treatment Solutions at Prescription druge abuse treatment is at a loss in this country. The main prolem is that the majority of individuals with prescription drug abuse are in total denial. The majority of people who take addictive prescription drugs start out taking the medications for legitamate resons. These meds are usually for pain or anxiety. Now, the patient who starts out with any of these meds usually is not aware of the potential for addiction. Thsy usually consider an addict something that would never apply to them. We all have preconcieved notions of addicts and alcoholics. The patient also will probably have a postive response to the medication. When patients get into the habit of taking medications on a regular basis they feel comfortable doing this. They also are following the doctor’s advice which is always accepted. But what happens whennth script calls for an addictive substance to be taken four times daily? This can lead into some serious problems if the patient continues to do this. We are talking about pain meds such as Vicodin, Oxycontin and nerve meds such as Xanax and Valium. If an individual earts enough of these medications, they will have some problems eventually. When is it neessary to consider prescription drug abuse treatment? This is a good question. Historically prescription drug abuse means that the person is not taking the medication as prescribed. This could also mean that the patient is …
Opiate consumption exceeds methamphetamine in Oregon
Filed under: prescription drug abuse treatment
In the last seven years, the nation has seen a dramatic rise in opiate abuse. In Oregon alone, drug treatment admissions for prescription pills and heroin have risen above methamphetamine. Lincoln County District Attorney Rob Bovett — who is a leading …
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