Question About Religion and Leaving Drug Addiction?
Question by : Question about religion and leaving drug addiction?
Ok, so ive been smoking weed for quite a few years now. I ive been smoking every day for about a year now and before that it was often but not every day. Ok so, i got a ticket for a traffic violation and im doing community service at a church. I myself am atheist…
For a while now ive been telling myself that i need to stop smoking. And mabey have done it for 2 days max and feel back into doing it.
So i wanted opinions if i should ask the guy that im going to be working there with if he could give me some knowledge on how i can mabey start believing in this religion to help me stop smoking.
the thing is that i am not really open to finding a religion because i have not had one for a years. But willing to try and see how it goes.
Any opinions are welcome. thankx for reading.
There are quite of few people on here that gave me some great advise. Ill see where my road takes me. thanks all.
Best answer:
Answer by JStrat
Not attending church doth not an atheist make. You either believe or you don’t. If you believe, join. If you don’t, then don’t. Not difficult. Quitting smoking, however, is difficult. I quit cold turkey a few months back, but I still want one almost every day.
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