Speech on Drug and Alcohol Abuse?
Question by Rachel: speech on drug and alcohol abuse?
i have a speech due tomorrow on ways to prevent drug and alcohol abhse in the us, and forgot about it until now. i need to have a thesis, three ideas with an explination, and a conclusion. im panicking, my mind is completely blank, and i have no idea ehat to do! help me please!
Best answer:
Answer by Guy B1
I would search on the website about! drug related stuff it’s all on the internet. you can’t miss anything all the info is on it that’s what makes it so great interesting facts.
Give your answer to this question below!
Final Presentation, Drug Abuse Prevention, in july 26, 2012 – University Of Oregon – Presentation University of Oregon, drug abuse prevention, prevenção ao uso indevido de drogas, Claudemir Lúcio Moraes dos Santos. Em 26/julho/2012.
Tags: drug abuse
Think about how drug abuse is often fatal (overdose) and how alcohol abuse
destroys peoples’ livers, brains, lives, their families also often innocent victims.
Parabéns Claudemir. Meu inglês não é muito bom, mas deu pra entender bem
sua palestra. Sucesso.
Parabéns Claudemir!!! Passo a passo vai escrevendo seu nome na história!!!
Como seria bom se tivéssemos mais pessoas determinadas a lutar por seus
ideais, e sobretudo, a lutar contra o monstro das drogas!!!