What Are Some Drug Addiction Centers in Orlando Florida?
Question by Justin N: what are some drug addiction centers in orlando florida?
Best answer:
Answer by itsjunglepat
Bridges of America- one in a very bad area of Orlando and one in Sanford. These are on court-ordered only basis for non-violent criminals.
Veterans’ service which can be contacted thru the Winter Park outpatient clinic.
Center for Drug Free Living – CDFL- detox & rehab center, the best program that I know of, but space & wait times can be difficult to impossible to endure.. not to mention the irony of having an ABC liquor store across the street from the detox center.
There’s a few other limited-time livein facilities, some being religious in orientation. Recovery House in Sanford- men only, Christian based 407-323-5857-one year commitment
There are numerous counseling centers.
CDFL should be able to give you more detailed info.
Drug Rehab Centers in Florida?
Question by jgroover85: Drug Rehab Centers in Florida?
I need to find a Inpatient Drug Rehab Program that has a payment program or price goes by your income. I have absolutely NO INSURANCE and i am not rich so i cant pay 20,000 for a program. I don’t need just a detox center, i need a detox center with a drug rehab program thatc’s inpatient. Please help i need help immediately and i am not rich. I will give 5 STARS to the best answer
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