Do You Like the Obama Administration’s Plan to Keep Track of How Many Miles You Drive in Order to Tax You?
Question by Yak Rider: Do you like the Obama administration’s plan to keep track of how many miles you drive in order to tax you?,0,6754105,print.story
WASHINGTON (AP) — Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood says he wants to consider taxing motorists based on how many miles they drive rather than how much gasoline they burn — an idea that has angered drivers in some states where it has been proposed….
From Here, What Should Happen? Long One. Serious Answers Only, Please?
Question by Momma Jette: From here, what should happen? Long one. Serious answers only, please?
Last year, my fiance’s mother died. Afterwards, he had anxiety so bad that he started having migraines that escalated to ice pick migraines. He went to his doctor and was gievn 120 tylenol 3’s a month. Anyone out there that has ever dealt with codiene would know that it’s highly addictive, and 120 is enough to start that addiction. It did. That was a year and a half ago, and it’s alot worse now. He probably spends anywhere from $ 800-$ 1500 buying pills off the street in a month. He came to me last night and told me that he wanted to quit, and he asked me to call his doctor and talk to him about it and see what could be done without him having to go to rehab because he’d lose his job. I did, and his doctor said he would do nothing. HE is the one that caused this, and he said he would do NOTHING. “Sorry, I can’t help you” is what he told me. He also told him that he could not be his patient any more. He then called my fiance’s work place and reffered him to a detox center.
He CANNOT do this because he would have to stay there for 2 weeks without any communication to the outside world.
Regina Florida Drug Addiction Rehab Success Story Inpatient Rehab
Regina Florida Drug Addiction Rehab Success Story Inpatient Rehab –
Researchers Recommend New Drug Abuse Laws To Prevent Hepatitis C
Filed under: Florida Drug Addiction
A certified, professional detox center such as Harbor Village, located in South Florida, is well equipped to treat those suffering from drug abuse. Harbor Village features a trained medical staff that will design a personalized plan of recovery for …
Read more on San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
Charisma Carpenter Hosts Investigation Discovery's SURVIVING EVIL Tonight
Filed under: Florida Drug Addiction
How Much Is a Legal Seperation in Burlington, Nc?
Question by mel: how much is a legal seperation in burlington, nc?
i have been in a marriage for 3 years out of 6 we’ve been together. throughout our entire marriage, my husband has went back to crack coccaine usage. He’s been to court before, for drug paranelia, and i’ve taken him to the emergency room one time, and he’s been to detox center. he’s also been to the mental health building. i have all these factors and cant use them for help when trying to tell the judge. i have to have evidence,and these places wont give them to me, because of hippa doesnt matter if im his wife or not. i want to seek a lawyer for a legal seperation, but in dont want to be financially drained. my husband and i have tried to work out our marriage and i’ve made drastic sacrifices for him. he still wants our marriage to work, but i just dont see it. he’s betrays my trust and my feelings, saying he wont go back. but he’s been to 3 rehab places . what am i up against with legal seperation. after all i cant get child support, because he has no paystub
Heroin Detox Centers in Texas(5)
Heroin Detox Centers in Texas(5) – Heroin detoxification is a very hard process for those who have determination to undergo over it. Sympt…
Methadone replacement therapy reduces drug addiction cases
Filed under: drug addiction treatments
THE methadone replacement therapy has managed to reduce the number of drug addiction cases, including for heroin, from 21,981 in 2005 to 7,180 in 2012. Deputy Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Hilmi Yahaya said the treatment had also resulted in reduced …
Read more on The Borneo Post
Alcohol Rehab Detox Call 877 449 1342 Drug Rehab Center in South Florida, Help for Drug Addiction
Alcohol Rehab Detox Call 877 449 1342 Drug Rehab Center in South Florida, Help For Drug Addiction – rehab,rehabs,rehab centers,rehab alcohol,alcohol rehab,the rehab,rehab for,rehab by,rehab center.
Argentina's 'slum priests' focus on helping
Filed under: drug addiction help centers
By Kate Linthicum, Los Angeles Times. Saturday, August 10, 2013. Tweet Pinterest Button. photo. Kate Linthicum. MCT. Graduates of a program to help drug addicts prepare a celebratory meal at the church run by Father Carlos Olivero in Buenos Aires …
Read more on The Columbian