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Addiction Hotline Help


Addiction Hotline help – Here in The Addiction Hotline, it is our mission to make the decision making process as easy as possible. Our goal is to assist people dealing with addiction to find the right treatment facility that is suitable to their needs.By calling The Addiction Hotline, you will get an honest evaluation of your situation as well as an opportunity to speak with treatment advisers. More Info:URL:


Officials target Whitley meth use, child neglect

Filed under: addiction help hotline

Any Foundations Like TWLOHA, That Focuses on Teen Drug Abuse or Domestic Violence?

Question by ????: Any Foundations like TWLOHA, that focuses on Teen Drug Abuse or Domestic Violence?

I love the TWLOHA group, and I love what it stands for. But so many people are pretending like there all for it, and I want to be unique and show support for my 2 favourite causes, Teen Drug Abuse and Teen Domestic Violence . If you know any group like TWLOHA, please tell me?

Best answer:

Answer by R?????A??
There is RAINN- Rape, Abuse, Incest, National Network.
It’s pretty self explanatory, it helps victims, loved ones, etc all about rape and abuse.

Former LSU Standout Tyrann Mathieu in Rehab Center Fighting His Drug Addiction


Food Addiction/ Recovery: Emotional Eating …a Success Story


Food Addiction/ Recovery: Emotional eating …A Success Story – To help in your recovery from any addiction, get a copy of our new book absolutely FEE, The Power of Focus, at “Comfort Foods” can offer a temporary relief from the stress of life, just like alcohol and drugs. Watch as I tell a beautiful success story.


Breaking the shackles of food addiction

Filed under: food addiction help

How Do I Become a Counselor?

Question by : How do i become a counselor?
I would like to be a therapist or counselor for people with drug addictions, family matters, domestic violence or something of that sort. What kind of schooling does that require?

Best answer:

Answer by Mally
you can go to college for that but if u want to be more more successful you can go to univirsity after highschool or college then univirsity

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