drug abuse

Whats Going on With My Body After Long-Term Drug Abuse?

Question by daniel valadez: Whats going on with my body after long-term drug abuse?
Well I want to know what’s going on with my body right now. I’ve seen some changes on me and people say that I’ve changed and I got uglier. Well my story is I’m 18 now, but last year when I was in high school I met new people and what not. So I met somw girl that had a drug problem and she introduced me to cocaine. So me and her would do cocaine like every day at school. I could say that yeah I was addicted. I would do like 3 lines every hour because it wouldn’t last long. So that went on for like three months. Then one of my other friends came back to my school and introduced me to ecstasy. After that I didn’t mess with cocaine anymore. But I started doing ecstasy on a daily basis for about 6 months straight. All my friends would call me a drug addict and told me I would be a bum one day. I would handle like 2-5 pills a day and wouldn’t care what anyone told me. But
now then they wouldn’t hit me as hard anymore. So then I tried meth because I heard it givs a GOOD rush and last 12 hours. So I did that and got addicted. All my friends were worried and telling me too stop but I couldn’t. I wasn’t that bad of a addict cus I didn’t have that much money. I would handle like dubs at a time. I was scared to overdose again so I would do that at a time. Well I did that for like a month and 1/2 and started to notice changes in me. My family said I was getting uglier and I was really lazy most of the time. I noticed my face was getting bad acne and I did feel uglier because my frends would tell me that too. My self esteem is really low rite now. I’ve been meth clean for about a month now. That’s a big improvement for me but I can’t fix my face back. My acne is still bad and I can’t gain weight, can’t sleep at nite, I get bad drug cravings so I smoke weed everytime I get a craving. I tried killing myself last week (I tied my cell phone charger around my neck but my frend saved me). I guess I just don’t feel loved anymore, and I feel ugly cuz my brothers tell me all the time.

Check in to Drug Abuse Treatment Center Near to Hoffman Estates


Check in to Drug Abuse Treatment Center Near to Hoffman Estates – For Drug Recovery Assistance Call 1-855-602-5102 24/7/365.


Why Would Any Support the War on Drugs and Marajuanna Prohibiton?

Question by Person Person: Why would any support the war on drugs and marajuanna prohibiton?
Marajuanna is a naturally grown substance, its been around for thousands of years and there is never been a single death from it. Advil, caffeine, alochol, tobbacco, etc are legal and have caused many deaths. Laws are supposed to protect people, and You are not harming anyone by smoking weed. Prohibition has caused much harm though. More than half the people in prision are in there for drugs, prisions have becomed so crowded that rapists and murderers are being realsed to put weed smokers in jail. It is also very expensive to keep people in jail. So why are police looking for harmless weed smokers when there are dangerous murderers and rapists. Because weed is illegal, people use it to make money on the black market, because of this, kids have easy acces to weed and other drugs, drugs are much easier to get than cigarettes. The war on drugs and the DEA has also done nothing but harm, look at all the Mexicans that are dead because of it. If weed were llegal, the overcrowded prision problems would be solved, Mexican drug cartels would go down, it would be harder for kids to have acces to, hard drugs useage would go down, the government could put a huge tax on it, there would be many new jobs.

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Young Drug Abuse?

Question by Kate.L: Young drug abuse?
Young drug abuse is a serious proble nowadays in many countries, what are the reason for this and what can be done to combat it?

Best answer:

Answer by Jinjer S
Lack of self esteem, lack of self confidence. Feeling the only way to belong is do what everyone else is doing.

What do you think? Answer below!



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New study for marijuana addiction will be conducted in Portland

Filed under: drug addiction treatment options

The other reality is that most marijuana-dependent individuals do not successfully quit using existing treatments, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. But research into a possible treatment option is on the horizon. It's called N …
Read more on Portland Business Journal (blog)