Reporting Prescription Drug Abuse?
Question by neurosonicjunkie: Reporting prescription drug abuse?
I am searching tirelessly for a number to call or someone to see regarding my bf’s moms prescription drug abuse. It is to the point where she is physically deterierating. Does anyone know what I can do here? Nobody in the family knows the extent of her abuse therefore they dont support an intervention. Is there a number where I can report her? Or her hospital?? Please help
Best answer:
Answer by Westward Wind
National Alcohol and Substance Abuse Center…
(800) 784-6776
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Relationship After Drug/alcohol Abuse?
Question by hopelesslydevoted: relationship after drug/alcohol abuse?
My boyfriend of almost 2 years began showing signs of a drinking problem about 6 months ago. He was arrested while drunk for disorderly conduct. After that, he stopped drinking so much, but began again during a visit with his family. He then really kicked his butt out of drinking. However, I recently found out that he traded his alcohol addiction for a meth addiction. He is now in jail after failing a drug test at a hospital b/c he was having feelings of paranoia and anxiety and thought it was a psychological problem–it’s not, it was part of his drug abuse. I’d love some advice on how to move on with my life. We had plans to get married, and I’m just crushed to know of all the lies and deceit that took over this relationship. I still care for him and want to help him but know I NEED to move on with my life without him. Any advice or suggestions of where to seek advice would be much appreciated.
Define and Give Examples of the Following: Drug Abuse Addiction and Rehabilitation?
Question by Ryan: Define and give examples of the following: drug abuse addiction and rehabilitation?
Best answer:
Answer by Captain Underpants
examples of drug abuse addiction and rehab could be amy winehouse
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SLHI’s Kim Van Pelt Discusses Substance Abuse and Mental Health of Arizona Veterans
SLHI’s Kim Van Pelt Discusses Substance Abuse and Mental Health of Arizona Veterans – Read the report to learn more about substance abuse and mental health issues facing our Veterans.
Several veterans centers doctors have disciplinary records
Filed under: drug abuse help for veterans
She's also been caught lying to medical board investigators about attending weekly meetings designed to help her overcome and manage her addiction. Bernhardt currently works at the Norman Veterans Center. Michael Whinery. Whinery, a doctor of …
Prescription Drug Abuse PSA by @RyanRstar
Prescription Drug Abuse PSA by @RyanRstar – Prescription Drug Abuse PSA by @RyanRstar Prescription Drug Abuse / PSA Video. From the public domain. Most people take medicines only for the reasons their …
Discuss Some Complication of Drug Abuse/substance Abuse?
Question by omeally5000: discuss some complication of drug abuse/substance abuse?
Best answer:
Answer by curiousgeorgia
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