drug addicts

Can Songs Be Applied to More Than They Are Intended To?

Question by raigafan18: Can songs be applied to more than they are intended to?
For example…

For a college project focusing around drug addicts, I plan on using the song “Fix You” in the background of the slideshow as a salutation to rehab treatment and the path to recovery. Is this appropriate?

Best answer:

Answer by ?lï?ï?
Yes, it is most definitely appropriate.

Usually, songs are more than just words with a tune, they are like a story that the artist has written. Each song tells a story, hence songs have more depth that many people can comprehend.

Could You Help Me to My Research Paper All About Drug Addiction?

Question by nicole perez p: Could you help me to my research paper all about drug addiction?
Could you help to my research paper all about Causes of Drug Addiction( enviromental causes, family problems and peer pressure) could you give me some information about this topic

Best answer:

Answer by Amanda D
there are all kinds of drug addictions….

pot, coke, meth…..pick one….

all three cause family issues, there is also the pressure from friends to do it (mostly pot). and mostly in high school kids. there are lots of websites that can help you research it.

Why Is It Up to Addicts to Choose to Go to Detox?

Question by Kimbo: Why is it up to addicts to choose to go to detox?
It dosent add up to me. Drug addicts are ADDICTED to illegal drugs. Why send thses people to jail, where they will get no treatment and will likely have acces to drugs while incarcerated? I think when a person is arrested for drug usage, they should be sent to a state funded rehab clinic until they are clean. Oh and no walking out or being thrown out, this is the punishment as well as the cure. That way, hopwfully, some of these people canhave a second chance. Well thats my view anyway.

Drug Addiction Hope Story | Vanessa Mueller


Drug Addiction Hope Story | Vanessa Mueller – Vanessa describes her early family life as ideal on the outside, but dysfunctional behind closed doors. With two older sisters who were drug addicts, she was…


Monday, Nov. 4, 2013: Port Clyde accident, drug abuse, robotic surgery

Filed under: drug addiction

I've been following the sad and tragic case of the car accident in Port Clyde this past summer, which claimed the life of a youngster and injured his mother and brother. The father watched in horror as a woman from New York driving in her Infiniti …
Read more on Bangor Daily News

What Should a Drug Rehab Program Possess?

Question by dominique w: What should a drug rehab program possess?
I’m looking for the tell-tale signs of a good rehab program since my father have decided to have an older brother undergo one. His life got all messed up when he found out that his gf for five years cheated her thrice. I wanna help my brother find a rehab that will take good care of him.

Please help.

Best answer:

NuHab Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Los Angeles.mov


NuHab Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Los Angeles.mov – Dr Glaser provides information regarding NuHab drug and alcohol outpatient rehab and court advocacy services. NuHab is a drug and alcohol outpatient rehab pr…


TORONTO – Some of the most active companies traded Tuesday on the Toronto

Filed under: residential drug treatment programs

That deal is part of Amgen's strategy to expand beyond its medicines for easing side effects of some cancer treatments and become a major player in the market for pricey cancer drugs. Amgen has also … "Our pipeline now includes 10 late-stage programs …
Read more on Castanet.net