drug rehab centers

Drug Rehab Center in Hawaii?

Question by : drug rehab center in Hawaii?
can anyone help me find a drug detox in Hawaii that takes med quest insurance?? i know there are some,just not sure what there called. anything would help. thanks!!!

Best answer:

Answer by askforadvice2009
(DASH)/Methadone Maintenance Drug Addiction Services of Hawaii Inc

Substance abuse treatment, detoxification and methadone maintenance and detox – outpatient programs for adolescents, persons with co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, pregnant/postpartum women, women and men

Contact Email: [email protected]

Address: 1130 North Nimitz Highway
Suite C-302

Phone: (808) 538-0704

Website: http://www.geocities.com/dash_hawaii

My 19 Year Old Son Is a Heroine Addict While I’m Still Paying Child Support NJ?

Question by Kimoko: My 19 year old son is a heroine addict while I’m still paying child support NJ?
My 19 year old son is a heroine addict while I’m still paying child support . I don’t have custody of my child, but i pay child support for him to begin community college. Obviously, he can’t continue school under his conditions. So does anyone know if there is a way for me to legally stop paying child support in order to have money to help my child get into a good rehab center. The amount of child support i’m paying prohibits me from fully supporting my son. Is there anyway i can bring his heroine addiction to court for a reason to stop paying child support.I live in NJ.
Please refrain from complaining about the child support cutoff being at age eighteen in your state. It is simply not the same case in NJ.
I was never married to the mother of my son, so there were no divorce decree’s to look upon.
My son needs help which he can find at a rehabilitation center, and he’s wasting time ” going to college.” ( he’s only attended twice.)

Drug Rehab Programs in California.(FREE)?

Question by Yo-Yo: Drug Rehab programs in California.(FREE)?
I was wondering if anyone knew of any.

My best friend’s mother was a meth addict a few years back and recently my friend(samantha) found meth in her house.
She says her mom has been acting differently and coming home at different hours of the night and sometimes not come home at all.

Samantha’s mother DENIES that she uses,but everyone in the family is certain she does.

A week ago samantha was reaching out for her cell phone while her mom and grandmother were arguing and she(her mom) kicked her!
It turned into an actual fist fight.
Samantha has a black eye now,she asked for my help,so here I am.

Have Your Say on Drug Abuse.?

Question by hot_but_taken_by_my_man: Have Your Say on Drug Abuse.?
I need to report on Drugs and drug abuse I was curious to know other people’s perspective on it. so please let me know!
Thanks 😀

Best answer:

Answer by eventfulnights82
ii wrote a whole essay on legalizing drugs…if you want it email me; [email protected]

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Free Drug Rehab Centers in Tennessee – Free Drug Rehab Centers in Tennessee – Call: (888) 652 6549 If you’re looking for free drug rehab centers in tennessee, simply call the number above. Like I said in the vido, not all rehabs…

Do Drugs Cause Addiction?

Question by Bradley R: Do drugs cause addiction?
Do you believe that sufficient exposure (which varies for each person) to addictive drugs like cocaine, heroin, morphine will inevitably produce addiction in people? Why or why not?
by exposure I mean if someone takes the drug enough times, will they inevitably become addicted?

Best answer:

Answer by Kim B
What do you mean by exposure? Meth can cause addiction immediatly.

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Drug Rehab?

Question by bseig06: drug rehab?
Does anyone know of a drug rehabilitation/detoxification center that takes more than one inurance company? Or one that doesn’t cost a lot?

Best answer:

Answer by John P
If you are serious about getting help for yourself or a loved one and do not have the resources to pay for care at a rehab facility, you have options. The best option is to go to any hospital emergency room, explain to the MD that you need, not want, but need rehab and need to speak to a social worker. Then you will have the ball rolling. At the same time, you can ask registration for state, county, and federal assistance to help pay for the bill. The hospital will also always work with you to pay for the treatment if necessary. Bottom line, if you need help, Don’t wait.