huffington post

Wat Is a Help Line and Can Anyone Give the No for It?

Question by caro: wat is a help line and can anyone give the no for it?

Best answer:

Answer by squid
Kids Help Line – 1800 55 1800
Kids Help Line is a free and confidential, telephone counselling service for 5 to 18 year olds in Australia. The Kids Help Line web site consists of … – 12k – Cached – Similar pages

Welcome to Kids Help Phone
Provides help to children in Canada on a variety of issues, such as relationships, school, bullying, suicide, and abuse. – 8k – Cached – Similar pages

What Are the First Steps in Controlling My Food Addiction?

Question by NINTENDO: What are the first steps in controlling my food addiction?
I have food addiction. It started when I was a child . My mother would feed me fatty food as a reward for finishing my studies.
As I grew up , anytime I did something related to working hard or studying, I would eat like crazy . Yesterday I had a shrimp basket with fried sweet plantains and chicken with rice from the street vendor .
That’s just yesterday. I been eating junk food for the past 3-4 weeks . Let me put it this way. Whenever I finish a hard project, I have to have Junk Food.

How Do I Stay Strong in My Christianity in Public School?

Question by Riley: How do I stay strong in my Christianity in Public School?
I’m a Christian, and I need some tips on staying strong in my faith at school. My school is rated the school with the most drug addictions, arrests, drunk accidents and abortions per year in my state. I need help with figuring out how to say no to those temptations without struggling with the answer. I want to be a light in my school and i need a bit of advice. Anything helps 🙂

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What Is the Medical and Legal Definition of “Narcotics Abuse”?

Question by Kirk: What is the medical and legal definition of “narcotics abuse”?
If a patient suddenly discovered he had been given a diagnoses of “narcotics abuse”, what does that mean? It’s a false claim and it needs further investigation, and moreover, an explanation. But ,can you break it down for me? It immediately conjures up an extremely negative connotation for me.

Best answer:

Answer by KoalaMama
Let’s start at the basics. Narcotics are any of a group of drugs, such as heroin, morphine, and pethidine, that produce numbness and stupor. They are used medicinally to relieve pain but are sometimes also taken for their pleasant effects. Prolonged use may cause addiction, which leads to the abuse.

Addiction Hotline — Drug Abuse Hotline for Parents


Addiction Hotline — Drug Abuse Hotline for Parents – The Addiction Hotline was created to help Parents, Teens, Husbands and Wives, Friends or Family get help anytime day or night with one easy to use phone numb…


Obamacare Website Will 'Work Smoothly' By Late November, Official Says

Filed under: 24 hour drug abuse helpline

Nearly a month after the launch of the health insurance exchanges that are central to Obama's health care reform law, the website and the information technology behind it continue to pose problems to consumers and health insurance …
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Can Someone Help Me Find a Credible Source on Violence in Society?

Question by TonTon07: Can someone help me find a credible source on violence in society?
I have an essay due tomorrow for Sociology:social problems. I have to find an article that relates to a social problem. We could choose these topics: Health, Drug abuse, behaviors: Deviant behavior, crime, violence behavior. I was thinking about writing on Mexico’s current drug cartel violence( all the drug cartel murders) but I cant find anything. I need a long article where I can use a good amount of information. Please help me. Any other ideas?

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