Getting Help With Addiction, Treated Badly! Is This Entrapment?
Question by Travis: Getting help with addiction, treated badly! is this entrapment?
Okay, so I have been wanting to get help with my opiate addiction. So I went to a recovery center for help with getting on Suboxone. On Monday I went in to speak to a panel to see if they would accept me into the program and they agreed that I was a suitable candidate for suboxone treatment “these people were higher ups!!!”
Today I went in for a follow up appointment to get a chart and panel started for me they do group therapy and different things that help with addiction. Okay so on monday I told them i was dirty and would fail a drug test.
Today I went in and did a urinalysis or “piss test” and failed, DUH!!! well when I was talking to a very nice older woman about my addiction an filling out lots of paperwork this “Snooty Broad” walked in and says to me
“Did you drive here today?” which I reply “YES” then she says “But You’re High!!!” to which I reply
“No I am not, I used yesterday but not today!” so she says “you failed the drug test so you must be high!!”
which I replied “So, by your logic if I smoke a joint on the first of the month and I pee dirty 2 weeks later that mean I was high for 2 weeks? I am actually in mild withdrawal, you dont know what you’re talking about.”
So then she tells me that she is going to call the cops on me if I dont call someone for a ride, and that I am all “whacked out because I am shaking.” then I told her ” I am no all whacked out I didn’t piss dirty for meth or some shit like that I pissed dirty for opiates I am shaking because I am starting to withdrawal” so long story short on my way out the door this bitch called the cops on me for “FELONY DUI” but she couldn’t call until I left because she didn’t know what car I came in so she didn’t know my tag number or anything. So I hauled ass home and left a voice mail on one of the higher ups machines oh yeah BTW none of the higher ups were there today.
This broad said that Its state law (Missouri) to call the cops if someone drives out after failing a piss test which is soooo bullshit. I also had to do a Breathalyzer test which I passed just fine.
Drug Addiction Treatment Programs at 449 Recovery in Orange County
Drug Addiction treatment programs at 449 recovery in Orange County – The drug treatment program at the San Clemente based drug rehab center, 449 Recovery, offers a 7 Phase drug addiction program that works with the 12 step drug treatment plan offers by AA (Alcoholics Anonymous). Prescription drug addiction, opiate addiction, crystal meth addiction, cocaine addiction or crack cocaine addictions are the main focus for the drug counseling program at 449 Recovery. The 449 Plan gives drug addicts a clear path to sobriety and offers patients a plan for recovery from drugs. Visit them online at or call them at 855-449-4490 Having gone through the 449Recovery treatment program, addicts learn to live with their addiction and have tools to help them live a life in recovery.
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