prescription drug

“Prescription Denied” Photos


“Prescription Denied” Photos – a short photo slideshow.


Harford unveils permanent prescription drop-off box

Filed under: prescription drug abuse treatment

In the majority of burglaries in Harford County, prescription drugs are stolen, Ryan said, adding 70 percent of children who abuse prescription drugs like benzo, Percocet and Adderall take them from a relative or friend. Sheila Saunders, 41, of Port …
Read more on Baltimore Sun


Opioid addiction treatment center opens in Rutland

Filed under: prescription drug abuse treatment

Drug Addict Timer Malloy Ft. Ashley Scott


Drug Addict Timer Malloy ft. Ashley Scott – Im back with a new song!! Tell me what you think and subscribe!! Lyrics Verse1 I’m a drug addict cause music is a drug. lyrics are the pot and the dope is th…


EDITORIAL: Assassination left its mark

Filed under: causes of drug addiction

His legacy has only been partly tarnished by reports of extramarital affairs and prescription drug addiction. It is also largely untarnished by the long ordeal of the … It was in death that he became the cause's great champion. Johnson, the savvy …
Read more on Tuscaloosa News (subscription)

How Will I Find Substance Abuse Treatment Centers in Lewisberry, Pennsylvania?

Question by ashlie dh: How will I find substance abuse treatment centers in Lewisberry, Pennsylvania?
I’m doing a research paper regarding prescription drug addiction and I think getting more information from treatment centers that have patients with this issue will really help me. Doing interviews with people who are dealing with the patients on a regular basis would be really good.

Best answer:

Answer by darby lw
Fortunately for you, substance abuse treatment centers are easy to find. The links below will be able to help you out in that task. Just call the treatment centers and ask them if you could schedule an interview. Good luck! I really hope that you get the information you need.

Could You Help Me to My Research Paper All About Drug Addiction?

Question by nicole perez p: Could you help me to my research paper all about drug addiction?
Could you help to my research paper all about Causes of Drug Addiction( enviromental causes, family problems and peer pressure) could you give me some information about this topic

Best answer:

Answer by Amanda D
there are all kinds of drug addictions….

pot, coke, meth…..pick one….

all three cause family issues, there is also the pressure from friends to do it (mostly pot). and mostly in high school kids. there are lots of websites that can help you research it.

Prescription Drug Addiction


Prescription drug addiction – Learn about prescription drug addiction. Pain pills and prescription medication can be abused and lead to drug addicti…


Trailblazing New Recovery Methods at Drug Rehab Macon Are Showing

Filed under: prescription drug addiction help

The rehab therapists at Drug Rehab Macon are seasoned veterans with years of experience helping people from all walks of life recovery from horrible addiction to substances like alcohol, cocaine, prescription drugs and much more. Alexander M., one of …
Read more on PR Web (press release)




Treatments1 – Treatments 1.


EDITORIAL: Curbing prescription drug abuse requires cooperation of states

Filed under: drug abuse treatments

The hope is that these professionals will tap into the databases and doctors will direct patents to addiction treatment and therapy. That might be an exercise in wheel-spinning if there isn't sufficient funding for addiction programs, especially …
Read more on The Express Times –


Looking for ways to combat drug scourge

Filed under: drug abuse treatments