prescription drug

Please Help Me Out (Mental Drug Problems) My Uncle?

Question by •??? Ashley MARiE •???: please help me out (mental drug problems) my uncle?
my uncle has been doing drugs since the age 15 and now he is 35 hes tried all sort of drugs there is hes been going crazy and will not go to the doctor .. Hes been abusive and there all frightened by him and very worried. How long will this drug reaction go on ? did it mean hes smoked so much

Best answer:

Wha Are Some Medications for Parkinson’s Disease That Mimic or Replace the Dopamine Chemicals?

Question by James Bond: Wha are some medications for Parkinson’s disease that mimic or replace the dopamine chemicals?

Best answer:

Answer by Mags
First of all I know this is long – if you want to skip the narrative and the message, scroll down to the list. Even that is long because often these treatments are interlinked.

Is Mane ‘N Tail Herbal Gro Shampoo Work Just Fine?

Question by Airah: Is Mane ‘n Tail Herbal Gro Shampoo work just fine?
I have this problem with my hair. Last week, I’ve decided to have a hair relax in order to prepare my self in a special event, but it was so unfortunate that that gay who works on my hair put a lots of chemical that makes my scalp feel pain. And now one day after that, i take a bath and when i comb my hair, i lost lots of it . Usually, i have a thick hair and now, it became so thin and I am afraid i might loss all my hair.

Prescription Drug Addiction?

Question by Joe: Prescription Drug Addiction?
I think that I might have a prescription drug addiction. Please Help!!!

Best answer:

Answer by busylady0615
well, it depends on what it is. if it is a painkiller (probably, those are the most addictive) then you should go to your dr. let them know and they can help you safely stop taking the drug without severe withdrawl syptoms. also, they can make sure you never get it or it’s relatives again to renew your problem.
i know it seems scary to never have it again, but if you really want help then do it!

Why Would Any Support the War on Drugs and Marajuanna Prohibiton?

Question by Person Person: Why would any support the war on drugs and marajuanna prohibiton?
Marajuanna is a naturally grown substance, its been around for thousands of years and there is never been a single death from it. Advil, caffeine, alochol, tobbacco, etc are legal and have caused many deaths. Laws are supposed to protect people, and You are not harming anyone by smoking weed. Prohibition has caused much harm though. More than half the people in prision are in there for drugs, prisions have becomed so crowded that rapists and murderers are being realsed to put weed smokers in jail. It is also very expensive to keep people in jail. So why are police looking for harmless weed smokers when there are dangerous murderers and rapists. Because weed is illegal, people use it to make money on the black market, because of this, kids have easy acces to weed and other drugs, drugs are much easier to get than cigarettes. The war on drugs and the DEA has also done nothing but harm, look at all the Mexicans that are dead because of it. If weed were llegal, the overcrowded prision problems would be solved, Mexican drug cartels would go down, it would be harder for kids to have acces to, hard drugs useage would go down, the government could put a huge tax on it, there would be many new jobs.

What Is Drug Rehab…..?

Question by : What is drug rehab…..?

Best answer:

Answer by patricia
It’s a place where people go who have a dependency on psychoactive substances such as alcohol,prescription drugs,and street drugs such as cocaine,heroin,amphetamines,to get clean or break their dependency on these drugs
Hope this helped!

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