street drug

Ibogaine Treatment Clinic in Mexico Help With Suboxone and Methadone Detox 323-606-9904


Ibogaine Treatment Clinic in Mexico Help with Suboxone and Methadone Detox 323-606-9904 – offers powerful holistic healing! Can 7 years of opiate addiction and dependency end in 48 hours?!?! The Answer is Yes! hear…


Krokodil, Molly and More: 5 Wretched New Street Drugs

Filed under: addiction help with suboxone

Buprenorphine, marketed as Suboxone, is an opiate painkiller that's often used to wean addicts off of more powerful opiates like heroin and hydrocodone. Substance abuse experts praise its success at treating addictions, and about 3 million Americans …

Do Many Doctors Have Substance Abuse Issues?

Question by Anthony D: Do Many Doctors Have Substance Abuse Issues?
Someone told me years ago that many medical doctors and dentist have substance abuse issues with drugs and alcohol! Not much from street drugs on the corner, but more towards prescription drugs.

Any truth to this?

Best answer:

Answer by just visiting
they are just as human as anyone, but they also have that prescription pad….

What do you think? Answer below!



Substance Abuse Treatment Centers | Rehab After Work | Philadelphia, PA (215) 546-2200 – We offer counseling for substance abuse addictions. Our staff of highly trained professionals includes certified addictions co…

Heroin Addiction Treatment


Heroin Addiction Treatment – – Heroin is by far one of the most potent and dangerous street drugs, it is very important to understand the steps that are needed t…


Jami Jo Ranson Put Screaming Baby In Ice Chest, Faces Child Desertion And

Filed under: prescription drug addiction treatment

While in custody, the woman was found to be in possession of controlled prescription drugs, warranting additional related charges. The infant, who was unharmed, was placed in the custody of child protective services. Ranson is being …. Barron …
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What Alternative ADD Meds Are Recommended?

Question by Ethan R: What alternative ADD meds are recommended?
I’m 15 and Ive Been taking FocalinXR daily for about three months as an alternative to Ritalin, but it’s simply too weak. Even after raising the dose to 20mg it just doesn’t cut it. I don’t want to go back to Ritalin and my parents and I have been given the option to try the following – Adderall – Desoxyn -Dexedrine and I’m curious as to anyone’s thoughts or personal experiences.

Best answer:

Why Is Marijuana Schedule 1 Drug and Cocaine Schedule 2?

Question by : Why is marijuana schedule 1 drug and cocaine schedule 2?
Is there a reason for this? Marijuana isn’t a bad drug, it doesn’t make you violent, no one has died from an overdose. So is there another reason why its considered to be worse then Cocaine?

Best answer:

Answer by Jesse
It’s just corruption in our government.. Multi-Billion dollar Pharmaceutical companies pay our government to keep street drugs illegal

Give your answer to this question below!



Why Would a Drug Rehab Center Put a 16 Year Old Boy on Antidepressants and Antipsychotics Without?

Question by .: Why would a drug rehab center put a 16 year old boy on antidepressants and antipsychotics without?
diagnosing him with depression or any mental disorder, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder? They are administering these drugs to him for aggressiveness and behavioral problems. Since when have antipsychotics been used in adolescents for aggressive behavior? Is this ethical? Is this the 21st century version of electroshock therapy and lobotomy? Why is a drug rehab facility taking someone off of street drugs and putting him on pharmaceutical drugs?

Best answer:

Answer by Jay
maybe their trying to ween him off the other drugs.