Tips on Fighting a Prescription Drug Addiction?

Question by warpedhybrid: Tips on fighting a prescription drug addiction?
I want to help someone get over their addiction to sleeping pills, codeine and valium. They will not seek professional help, advice for how to do this without medical/psycholgical treament?

Best answer:

Answer by zangmo315
you simply can’t make someone get help for this if they don’t think they have a problem, or if they know they have a problem & don’t want help.
you can be supportive, but that’s about it.
until he/she is ready any help (medical, rehab, psych etc) will simply be a waste of time & money.
my husband had a prescription & alcohol problem & it took him a few yrs to be able to admit that it was time to fix it. (he’s now sober 5+ yrs).
good luck

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