What Do They Do in Rehab and How Much Does It Cost? I Really Need to Know This!!! Thank You?

Question by aznandy2005: what do they do in rehab and how much does it cost? i really need to know this!!! thank you?

Best answer:

Answer by itsjustme
a lot of $ but if u or ur parents have health insurance rehab should be covered. insurance co’s talk like they won’t pay it but eventually will. if you have no insurance each state has drug rehab programs. do a search 4 the state you live in. if u don’t find info. call the united way (look up phone # in your city). tell them what type of services you need they can give you lots of info.

i don’t know if this is pertaining to u or a friend, but i wanted to say that getting help is important no matter what the cost. u can’t put a pricetag on life & death. i lost my oldest daughtr to drugs 3 1/2 yrs. ago, 4 mos. later i had to put my son (then 16 yrs) in rehab. 1st the insurance co said they were not going to pay bcuz he had not had prior drug problms &it wasn’t serious enough. HA! it’s all about $ to them. i told them we were putting him in rehab anyway even if we had to sell our house. they ended up paying. my neice went through rehab through the state of oklahoma. check around and find the help you or your friend needs. good luck!

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