What Do You Think Accounts for the Higher Incidence of Club Drug Use Among Teens?

Question by Em(ily): What do you think accounts for the higher incidence of club drug use among teens?
What do you think accounts for the higher incidence of club drug use among teens?

Best answer:

Answer by ?•?•?
You are American, correct? I only know about American Culture and our current state of devolution.

Basically, it all boils down to TRAUMA.

We’re going on 3+ generation after the Hippy nonsense implanted the idea that if it feels good, do it and damn the consequences and that acting out is healthy…

1 in 4 kids under the age of 14 are being abused, be it sexually, physically, emotionally, or mentally and are being raised by untreated/poorly treated mentally ill parents or addicts and this chaos in the family of origin results in a disregulation of affect and retards the individuals ability to achieve emotional milestones in development so they look to perception altering drugs as coping mechanisms because they never developed internal coping mechanisms.

Then you get into the Mirror Effect and how it’s resulted in a generation of half-tards that not only feel entitled but think that if they can just bang a celebrity or get on a Reality TV Show they can be famous just for being famous!

The levels of narcissism have reached pandemic proportions in this country and it’s doing nothing but harm.

Oh, the skyrocketing rates of abuse in the Family of Origin is also behind the skyrocketing rates of severe PTSD and Suicide in our Military Personnel.

PTSD doesn’t tend to become THIS BAD unless there’s already a damaged foundation upon which THIS trauma lands on…

Meaning… If you take a kid that’s being raised by a physically abusive alcoholic and a kid that’s raised in a healthy home environment and expose them to the same war-time conditions and EXACT SAME horrific events and the one from the Abusive Alcoholic Home will come back home in a MUCH MUCH MUCH worse mental state than the kid from the healthy home because Trauma builds like a ball of sh*t rolling downhill… It is CUMULATIVE and we’ve got a nation of mainly trauma survivors. Think of it this way… Both people are buildings… One is condemned and one is newly built. Throw a rock against the wall of the condemned building and it might just collapse while a rock thrown against a new building won’t even scratch the brick.

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