What Is Psychological Addiction?
Question by n8ive_hunny2005: What is psychological addiction?
Anything compared to Drug addiction.
Best answer:
Answer by California Bear
A psychological addiction is the desire to use a drug due to the effect it produces. Stopping usage of a drug that causes psychological addiction may cause unease and discomfort but will have no physical effects on the user. Marijuana is an example of a drug that causes psychological addiction. Psychological addiction is not always limited to drugs. Any activity that creates a feeling of euphoria that is craved to the detriment of other things can be a psychological addiction.
A physiological addiction causes withdrawl symptoms and possibly physical harm when someone stops using the drug. Heroin is an example of a physiological addictive drug. Withdrawl from heroin can be fatal.
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Help for My Gambling Addiction: Vinny Shares His Gamblers Anonymous Story – Vinny shares his story before and after he joined Gamblers Anonymous.
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