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Why Would Any Support the War on Drugs and Marajuanna Prohibiton?

Question by Person Person: Why would any support the war on drugs and marajuanna prohibiton?
Marajuanna is a naturally grown substance, its been around for thousands of years and there is never been a single death from it. Advil, caffeine, alochol, tobbacco, etc are legal and have caused many deaths. Laws are supposed to protect people, and You are not harming anyone by smoking weed. Prohibition has caused much harm though. More than half the people in prision are in there for drugs, prisions have becomed so crowded that rapists and murderers are being realsed to put weed smokers in jail. It is also very expensive to keep people in jail. So why are police looking for harmless weed smokers when there are dangerous murderers and rapists. Because weed is illegal, people use it to make money on the black market, because of this, kids have easy acces to weed and other drugs, drugs are much easier to get than cigarettes. The war on drugs and the DEA has also done nothing but harm, look at all the Mexicans that are dead because of it. If weed were llegal, the overcrowded prision problems would be solved, Mexican drug cartels would go down, it would be harder for kids to have acces to, hard drugs useage would go down, the government could put a huge tax on it, there would be many new jobs.

So why are we wasting billions of dollars trying to arrest people who have done nothing wrong, but they haved smoked the same plant that the president has smoked?

and please look at this

Best answer:

Answer by emo.death666
hey, join the war on drugs, smoke that marijuana out of existence

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