Your Honest Opinion: Drug Abuse?

Question by sakira_starwolf: Your honest Opinion: Drug Abuse?
Are you more worried about prescription or illegal drug abuse? How common do you think each is?
NO SOURCES OR LINKS, PLEASE. I know the correct statistics, but this is to see if I can continue with this as an educational project in my school. So don’t bias the other responses. Try not to read responses before you post yours. I just want your honest here and now opinion.
Thank you.
Here’s why you should care.

-Probably all those giveaway prescriptions make the costs go up even more to make them.

-They kill as many people, MORE, than illegal.

-Doctors use them. Do you really want to be inspected or have surgery performed on you by a high doctor?

Prescriptions are often mixed with alcohol, too. They kill the same number, more some years, then illegal.

Still don’t care?

Best answer:

Answer by Malice_Embrace
I don’t care as long as all those crazy addicts are nowhere near me.

Give your answer to this question below!



Youth Drug Abuse and Rehabilitation in Soweto – GlobalGirl media reports the prevalence of substance abuse in Soweto, South Africa and its impact on communities.