Drug Treatment Centers Jacksonville

How Does a Non-Drinker Mistakenly Sentenced to AA/SOS Get Through the Program?

Question by Arwen: How does a non-drinker mistakenly sentenced to AA/SOS get through the program?
Theoretical question:

What if a non-drinker gets drunk *once* and is caught “driving under the influence.” Then the judge doesn’t believe the person is a non-drinker and s/he is sentenced to AA or SOS. It’s a sentence not uncommon for a first DUI.

If these programs require participants to admit their alcoholism, and the person doesn’t normally drink, and to finish the sentence s/he has to complete the program, how does s/he do it without lying?
As I said, it is a theoretical question.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment | Alcohol Recovery Center | Alcohol Addiction Treatment


Alcohol Addiction Treatment | Alcohol Recovery Center | Alcohol Addiction Treatment – http://chicagorehabcenters.net Get therapy, sober living, aftercare, detox, and more at Alcohol Addiction Treatment for drug, alcohol, and prescription drug …


Wake Up Call? Crystal Meth Addiction?

Question by : Wake up call? Crystal Meth Addiction?
I’m 17 years old, fatherless, pretty much raised myself and everything I’ve done in life I did it myself because I had no one to turn to.

I’be been abusing drugs since I was 12. I smoke weed everyday, I used to take acid every weekend, I used to take a lot of pills, drink alot of cough medicine, prescriptions, anything I could get my hands on.. and just recently I was offered meth for the first time (where I actually considered it) It was offered many times before, but I just never went near it.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center | Alcohol Recovery Center


Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center | Alcohol Recovery Center – http://chicagorehabcenters.org Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center offers detox, counseling, and more for alcohol, drug, and prescription drug addiction in re…


Ketamine Drug Addiction Treatment 877-463-1658 Drug Rehab Ketamine


Ketamine Drug Addiction Treatment 877-463-1658 Drug Rehab Ketamine – http://recoveryassociates.com/addiction-treatment/ketamine-addiction-treatment-rehab-center/ 1-877-463-1658 Ketamine Drug Addiction Treatment and Rehab Cente…


Too Much Ibprofen?

Question by tony_the_tiger2004: too much ibprofen?
I’m on 800 mlgrms every 6 hours but i still hurt and hurt, i work in the medical inudustry and lift 5=8 patients a night is it unreasonable for me to ask for something more powerful than ibp??

Best answer:

Answer by Rooster/Blaster
Sorry you’re hurting- but please be careful of taking too much Advil. I can’t take Advil anymore, because I have high blood pressure. Can you try another pain reliever? I take plain Aspirin now. Be careful about addiction- PLEASE be careful- but what about pain pills? My Momma gives me them sometimes if my head hurts badly.