I Am So Addicted to Sex Chat and Pornography?

Question by Harish: I am so addicted to sex chat and pornography?
I am soo addicted to sex chat and pornography. I don’t know why. But I want to overcome it. Not able to concentrate on anything else. Since I am so good in that I am always being online and chatting. If there is no one online I am watching porn and enjoying. Should I come out of this habit or should I continue. Is it wrong to see porn and indulge in sex chat?

Best answer:

Answer by e-Tiggy
Not wrong per se, but in time it’s very likely to affect your sexual interest towards other people. Porn is much more intense, faster and easier than what you can usually get from a one night stand.

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Why Snapchat rejected Facebook's offer

Filed under: addiction help chat

Despite the site's primacy in the social media market, some numbers suggest that Facebook addiction has given way to Facebook fatigue, at least among some users. … Executives there have used acquisitions large and small to help promote that growth.
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