alcohol and drug abuse

Substance Abuse: How Substance Abuse Destroys Lives

Substance abuse is defined as overindulgence and dependence on a toxic chemical/drug, which directly affects the human nervous system, behaviour and various body functions. These substances or drugs have detrimental effects on the mental and physical health of an individual.

Substances that are abused include tobacco, alcohol, addicting medicines and heroin etc. People may start using drugs or indulge in substance abuse for fun, due to peer pressure, curiosity or any other reason, but due to this act, the society has to pay a significant cost. Abused substances are the psychoactive substances that cause dependence syndrome. If a person indulges in substance abuse, he/she feels a strong desire to use it, cannot control its use and cannot get over the addiction even after harmful consequences. Substance abuse can change the perception, judgment, physical control or attention of an individual.

How Can I Report Someone, Who Has Kids in the House, for Illegal Drug Use in Florida? I Want to Be Anonymous.?

Question by tattoo-addict: How can I report someone, who has kids in the house, for illegal drug use in florida? I want to be anonymous.?

Best answer:

Answer by Smitty
Child Protective Services- Call them!

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RX Drug Abuse in Florida – WE CAN is Pinellas County’s Drug Court Program for female addicts. It gives them the choice between recovery or time in prison. I made this video while working as a research assistant at the University of South Florida, which received a grant to study the effectiveness of this drug court program. WE_CAN_6-26-10.mp4