domestic violence

My Ex Is an Total A** Hole. Pls Give Me Advice on What Should I Do.?

Question by Lacey J: my ex is an total a** hole. pls give me advice on what should i do.?
LONG STORY SO PLEASE TAKE YOUR TIME AND READ! ok i got pregnant at 18 years old with my first daughter. i left her dad because of the life he chose to live. i met my ex husband when i was 4 months pregnant and we dated and got married 3 months after i gave birth to my daughter. i knew who her dad was and i decided to just put my bf(ex husband now) name on her birth certificate. after having my daughter time i went through domestic violence and emotional abuse. i dealt with it because i was so young and didn’t wanna go home a FAILER ! 06 BOOM! I got pregnant with my second daughter. i went through abuse while i was pregnant but keep my mouth shut about it. until i dropped the baby. after i gave birth to my daughter i let him know somebody is going to die in here because i wasnt going to be a punching bag to him anymore. after no other ideas i gave my kids to my kids go mom(so she claim she was) until i can get a place. making a long story short. my ex went to social services and lied and said i neglected my kids.(not true) i seen my kid every day. they just didn’t stay with me because i was trying to get on my feet.(fyi this was in jacksonville nc) so we had court and i was found guilty. we did paternityty test and find out my oldest(she is 5 now) is not his. they still gave him physical custody of my kids. i was never found guilty of smoking drug, spanking my kids, nothing! he move back to alabama without my knowledge or consent.
i went to alabama to take some classes and i seen my kids every day. i spent over 1000 dollar on them in a month when i was there. i have a court order to see my kids and he is not allowing my to see them. i have to do it on his time not court time. i have remarried in 09 and am happily married. i stay in virgina and i drive every weekend to see my kids but he wont pick up. my ex is a very controlling person. you have to kiss his ass in order to get stuff done. and i am so tired of doing it, but in order to see my kids,i have to do this. i have a lawyer in alabama. we are modifying custody and he is in contempt to court for the 2nd time. i took him to court july of 09. hedidn’tt show up so we made it a review. my oldest is in kindergarten and is acting out in school. last night we got into anargumentt because he said in front of my daughter its in her blood because she is acting out in school(her dad is in jail) so i let him know dodon’tay that in front of her and that is not true. so i said okay your mom did drugs so that’s in your blood if that is the case! HE SAID MY 5 YEAR OLD IS GOING TO END up in jail because he acts out in school. i am like wtf is wrong with yu? pls give me advice on how i should handle this idiot because cant eat,sleep,or focus. and its kinda puttiputtingrain on my marriage bcuz i take my anger out on him when my ex say stupid stuff and i cant just go the f— off on him. pls be nice! and give helpful advice. i know he says stuff to get to me but how can i deal with his ways without him taking my visitations away
if yu read the story. i didnt leave them with him. i left them with there god mom and he call dss because i would allow him to see them. pls read carefully.
and i have an attorney i go to court march! just asking for real people advice. don’t half read pls

Will Ohio Police Come to Florida to Get Me for Misdemeanor Charge?

Question by : Will ohio police come to Florida to get me for misdemeanor charge?
I had a misdemeanor charge of drug abuse and never received summons after I forwarded mail so I called and court operator said they’ll put out a warrant for arrest and they might extradite and not allowed to make arrangement to pay part of it

Best answer:

Answer by gary
no they wont. states can only extradite on felony charges

Substance Abuse: Domestic Violence and Substance Abuse Treatment

Every 15 seconds a woman is subjected to domestic violence in the United States. Domestic violence can be defined as a pattern of abusive behavior that is used to gain or maintain power and control in an intimate relationship, such as marriage, dating, family, friendship or living together. Anyone can be a victim or perpetrator of domestic violence.

Keeping this in mind, we will be focusing on male batterers and female survivors of domestic violence since this is the “typical” scenario and will be seen most often in treatment facilities. We will discuss substance abuse in both the batterer and the survivor.

Substance Abuse: How Substance Abuse Destroys Lives

Substance abuse is defined as overindulgence and dependence on a toxic chemical/drug, which directly affects the human nervous system, behaviour and various body functions. These substances or drugs have detrimental effects on the mental and physical health of an individual.

Substances that are abused include tobacco, alcohol, addicting medicines and heroin etc. People may start using drugs or indulge in substance abuse for fun, due to peer pressure, curiosity or any other reason, but due to this act, the society has to pay a significant cost. Abused substances are the psychoactive substances that cause dependence syndrome. If a person indulges in substance abuse, he/she feels a strong desire to use it, cannot control its use and cannot get over the addiction even after harmful consequences. Substance abuse can change the perception, judgment, physical control or attention of an individual.