Is There a Free Drug Rehab in the San Antonio, Tx Area?
Question by Xanthe Martinez: Is there a free drug rehab in the San Antonio, Tx area?
My older sister has confided in me that she is addicted to heroin, crystal meth, something called Ice as well as a number of prescription medications. She steals money as well as medications from pretty much anyone she comes in contact with. I don’t have money to pay for her to go to a rehab center and she doesn’t have insurance nor does she work. I love my sister despite her many faults and want to help her any way I can. I have already lost one sister (not drug related) and don’t want to have to bury another. PLEASE I just really need to find help for my sister.
Dr. Chad Cox- AToN Drug Rehab Center San Diego .mov
Dr. Chad Cox- AToN Drug Rehab Center San Diego .mov – Hello, my name is Dr. Chad Cox and I am a Licensed Psychologist on staff with the AToN Center. I’m here to talk briefly about an area of therapy that we use…
Drug Rehab – Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center
Drug Rehab – Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center – World Class Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centers. 24 Hour Free Helpline 1-866-569-7073.
Need a List of Drug-Alcohol Centers in Charlotte North Carolina?
Question by philmarie333: need a list of drug-alcohol centers in charlotte north carolina?
Best answer:
Answer by BradAusmusIsHot!
Looking for drug rehab and treatment centers in Charlotte , North Carolina? Please call 1-800-876-6378
North Carolina
Pavillon International Treatment and Renewal Center Mill Spring, NC
Recovery Ventures Western North Carolina
STEP ONE Substance Abuse Services Winston-Salem, North Carolina
The Chemical Dependency Center Charlotte, North Carolina
Wilmington Treatment Center Locations in North & South Carolina
Add your own answer in the comments!
Concord CA Treatment Center Call (855) 912-7867 Drug Rehab Center Concord CA
Concord CA Treatment Center Call (855) 912-7867 Drug Rehab Center Concord CA – Drug addiction Treatment Centers for Liquor and Drugs Picking the treatment center that would best match the requirements …
Wha Are Some Medications for Parkinson’s Disease That Mimic or Replace the Dopamine Chemicals?
Question by James Bond: Wha are some medications for Parkinson’s disease that mimic or replace the dopamine chemicals?
Best answer:
Answer by Mags
First of all I know this is long – if you want to skip the narrative and the message, scroll down to the list. Even that is long because often these treatments are interlinked.