What Does a Substance Abuse Evaluation Consist of for Marijuana?
Question by : What does a substance abuse evaluation consist of for marijuana?
I live in the state of Massachusetts and I am court ordered to take a substance abuse evaluation for marijuana. What does this process consist of?
Best answer:
Answer by i’m the freshest
you will be asked the reason for the evaluation, as well as:
age you first used
length of time you used
amount typically used
how often you use each month / week / day:
alcohol, marijuana, other illegal drugs, prescription drugs, and OTC medications.
as well as any arrests or substance abuse treatment.
Pacific Hills Treatment Center Testimonies- Part 2
Pacific Hills Treatment Center Testimonies- Part 2 – Go to www.PacHills.com to learn more about addiction resources, and drug and alcohol treatment. Clients and staff of Pacific Hills Treatment Centers give testimonies about their experiences with alcohol and drug abuse and how Pacific Hills helps people to stop using drugs and alcohol.
Quartavious Davis Sees 'Cruel' Face Of US Justice In Extreme Sentence For …
Filed under: Drug Rehabs Jacksonville
Florida Drug Abuse: Demand for More Florida Drug Detox Services Could See Relief Through Prescription Drug Monitoring
Florida pharmacists, doctors and law enforcement favor a statewide prescription drug monitoring program to help curb crime, save lives and protect patients from inadvertent harm. Some state reps fear invasion of patient privacy, overlooking not only that information would be available only to doctors and police working active cases, but also the obvious fiscal benefits of reducing demand for more publicly funded and private Florida a drug detox facilities.
Pacific Hills Treatment Center Testimonies Part 1
Pacific Hills Treatment Center Testimonies Part 1 – Go to www.PacHills.com to learn more about addiction resources, and drug and alcohol treatment. Clients and staff of Pacific Hills Treatment Centers give testimonies about their experiences with alcohol and drug abuse and how Pacific Hills helps people to stop using drugs and alcohol.
Financial abuse of the elderly
Filed under: Jacksonville Drug Rehab Centers
A Community Dialogue on financial abuse among older adults was convened at The Jacksonville Center for the Arts Thursday, with a panel of professionals outlining the scope of the problem and some ways to deal with it. The session was facilitated by …
Read more on Southwest Virginia Today
What Type of Work Does t.a.d.a. ( Teens Against Drug Abuse)offer?
Question by Vic: What type of work does t.a.d.a. ( teens against drug abuse)offer?
I recently have found a flyer in orlando florida that says, work for teens. It gives a number and email to contact. It also states earn $ 25-$ 100 a week or more but I want to know what I will be doing. Somebody please help.
Best answer:
Answer by thecharleslloyd
Here you go, all the details are listed here on their website;
Give your answer to this question below!
Drug & Alcohol Rehab Center Florida
Drug & Alcohol Rehab Center Florida – www.drugrehabilitationflorida.com – The River Source offers holistic drug and alcohol rehab program for patients in Florida.
Another group wants to open Duluth methadone treatment clinic
Filed under: Drug Rehab Centers Florida
The Center for Alcohol and Drug Treatment, perhaps best known for running the county's only detoxification center for alcohol and drug abuse, is proposing what it calls a Medication Assisted Treatment Program, where methadone would be one of several …
Read more on Duluth News Tribune