prescription drug

5 Recommedations on How to Overcome Illegal Drug Abuse Among Teenagers?

Question by smith5nz: 5 recommedations on how to overcome illegal drug abuse among teenagers?
5 or more ways, between 10-20 lines

Best answer:

Answer by Bobo
Drug testing in schools.
Separate classes for those who use drugs including training vice education.

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Teens Abusing Prescription Drugs – Teens Abusing Prescription Drugs.


Beating addiction

Filed under: drug abuse help for teenagers

How Will I Find Addiction Treatment Centers in Skowhegan, Maine?

Question by beth e: How will I find addiction treatment centers in Skowhegan, Maine?
I need to get a lot of information regarding various addictions (such as alcohol, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, gambling) and I want to get the info directly from the persons who are experiencing these addictions. That’s why I would like to find addiction treatment centers. Can somebody help me with this?

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Burglary Charges in Pa?

Question by concerned: burglary charges in pa?
a family member was recently charged with burglary, theft and receiving stolen property of weapons. He was not charged with anything gun related. but all together has 9 felonies racked up. He has court next friday. Any ideas on how much time he’s looking at? He has a lawyer and she is trying to get him into a rehab program. Will this shorten his sentence. ? anyone have experience with this in delaware county pa? He is now at George W. Hill

Best answer:

Teen Drug and Alcohol Abuse Essay?

Question by Brooke: Teen drug and alcohol abuse essay?
I have to do a problem/solution essay for school and I’ve decided it’s going to be on teen drug & alcohol abuse- And I need help. I can’t figure out three solutions to the problem. Any ideas?

Best answer:

Answer by Lola N
i farited

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What if you Suspect Your Teen is Using Drugs or Alcohol – To see if our Parenting Videos meet your needs, we are asking you a few questions. Please fill out our quick survey:…

No Help to Quit Drug Addiction?

Question by Mary: No help to quit drug addiction?
I’ve noticed something quite serious. There is absolutely NO help for anyone who needs discreet help in quitting a serious drug addiction. Google it. You’ll see. You have to sort through the countless websites telling you how disgusting and pathetic you are, how you must involve everyone in your family to overcome your mistakes and live a drug free life. And if you don’t have money, well, you’re really up the creek. It’s not so bad for smokers, that’s “not your fault”, not so bad for Alchoholics, it’s a “disease”, again, not really your fault. But drugs? You are the scum of the earth and you must allow society to pound you into the ground before you even attempt to get help. It IS your fault, it’s a choice. Yes, it WAS a choice, and yes, you KNOW you made a huge mistake. You see all of these centers advertised showing a resort-like setting and how “you too, can live a drug free life”. If you use your insurance, it becomes public knowledge that you’re one of these “scum”, and if you try to enter one of these “free” in-patient detox centers, you have to be arrested first or be on a waiting list so long the drugs will probably kill you in the meantime. How much money is spent every year on helping the FAMILIES of those with addiction? The advice to the “loved ones” is quite extensive. What about the addict? Not the criminal, never been arrested, just someone who really needs help, but for their own reason, without the ability to share with the world their serious life-threatening problem? You are in it completely alone. Your family is so against drugs that you will NEVER to one of the family again if they find out. No, I’m not being dramatic, there are people out there like that.
Try this…pretend you are a Grandmother, a good person, successful and working your entire life until disability happened. You got into a serious drug to help your disability and cannot quit. You are dying. Your hair is falling out, you’ve got numerous medical problems now. You’ve never been arrested, you’ve never stolen anything or comitted a crime to support your habit. You’ve moved away from your family to keep them from seeing you like this. It’s ruining your relationships because your not there and family thinks that you do not seem to care….although you do, with all of your heart. The drug is stronger than your heart. You know you are disgusting.
In a perfect world, someone would come up with a “reason” you could tell your family why you won’t be able to answer your phone for 4 to 6 weeks, you would go to a resort setting where the doctors and nurses first get you healthy, then teach you coping techniques to keep you drug free. And it’s all paid for by private donations from those who understand the seriousness of the drug problem facing us today. Oh….and it’s 100% discreet. When you return from your secret “trip” you are drug free, alive and happy again. The fantasy 6 week vacation you went on made your family smile and say, WOW! Where in the heck did you go? You look fantastic!
Yeah, right.
I know I’ll regret what’s coming….but what are your thoughts?

How Are Prescription Drugs So Abused if Ppl Dont Have a Legitimate Prescription?

Question by rtinsley30: How are prescription drugs so abused if ppl dont have a legitimate prescription?
I am inquiring for a paper I am writing for College Composition, on Drugs in Juvenile Justice. It shocked me that prescriptions are more abused than any other drug besides marijuana. However Marijuana hasnt caused any documented deaths, and kids are oversoding on medication. I realize millions of kids are prescribed meds for ADD, and ADHD, but I am curious about the ones who arent? Where do they get them from? Street prices are expensive, so are they stealing from their parents? Thanks for any suggestions, plz answer my other question if you can, I appreciate, and I am not looking for drugs, lol. Thanks