My Brother Is Dating a Pregnant Woman?
Question by : My Brother is Dating a Pregnant Woman?
My brother, who is 28 years old, has always stressed that he’ll never meet the right girl and even fears he’ll never have any children.
He has been in 2 serious relationships, one girl was very career driven and made it clear she didn’t want children until later in life. The other woman he dated had huge drug problems, so it’s no wonder (thank heavens) she never fell pregnant.
I found out today he is now dating a woman who he met a few weeks ago — who is 5 months pregnant — the child isn’t his (obviously as he only met her 2 weeks ago).
Please Help Me Out (Mental Drug Problems) My Uncle?
Question by •??? Ashley MARiE •???: please help me out (mental drug problems) my uncle?
my uncle has been doing drugs since the age 15 and now he is 35 hes tried all sort of drugs there is hes been going crazy and will not go to the doctor .. Hes been abusive and there all frightened by him and very worried. How long will this drug reaction go on ? did it mean hes smoked so much
Best answer:
Are These Drugs Prescribable in the Philippines? for 10 Points?
Question by chielala: are these drugs prescribable in the Philippines? for 10 points?
1) acyclovir zovirax
2) bisacodyl dulcolax
3) ranitidine zantac-75
and what are the brand names for cefuroxime sodium here in the philippines? thank you!
Best answer:
Answer by Andy Kaufmans Ghost
I don’t know but i do know you need some help with your Drug problems.
Have you thought about trying AA or NA?
You know the first step is to stop lying to yourself & admitting that your powerless to your addiction.
now where is my 10 points at?
“Tenk you veddy much”
Why Drug Addiction Is So Huge in Ireland?
Question by YaroElf: Why Drug Addiction Is So Huge In Ireland?
Just simple curiosity…
I stumbled upon an article from some Irish website that claimed that in 2011 80% of
Irish drink beer daily or once in two days. An average pub crawl night for an Irish is 3L of beer or more.
Also it claimed that 50% of Northern Irish teens between ages 12-21 use illegal drugs daily
and consume 5+ beers each Friday.
What source did this information could be coming from? Is that even true?
What Are the Indirect and Direct Cost of Substance Abuse to Society at Large?
Question by Lee: what are the indirect and direct cost of substance abuse to society at large?
Also, what are some solutions to this problem?
Ex of indirect: who’s impacted by drug abuse?
how do these consequences impact our nation as a whole?
ex of direct: what are possible solutions to our nations drug problems?
who would be impacted by these solutions?
how does this problem have both economic and social consequences?
what are some solutions to the drug abuse problem in america?
thank you for your help!
Best answer:
Getting Help for Alcohol and Drug abuse.AVI
Getting help for alcohol and drug abuse.AVI – This scene from WHAT GOES AROUND shows the effects drugs and alcohol can have on a family. Petrides students Trevor McGhie, Comfort Gwelekai, and Jonathan Br…
Survey shows 22.8 percent of Midland County teens use marijuana
Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse help
Of those surveyed, 26.3 percent said they consumed alcohol, 28.6 admitted to binge drinking, and 10.2 percent admitted to taking prescription drugs that were not prescribed to them. The majority of students who consume alcohol, smoke cigarettes and use …
Read more on Midland Reporter-Telegram